Ray Chase to Edward Nicholson Requesting Information from the University of Minnesota About Proceeds of a Charity Football game

In 1937, Ray Chase sought information about a fund under the control of the Governor Floyd Olson in 1931. Olson had access to a fund that grew out of a post-season charity football game between Ohio State University and the University of Minnesota.

Chase originally contacted the Deputy State Auditor to inquire about the funds. He was on the trail to find corruption on the part of Governor Olson, now deceased. Chase was advised to contact the Athletic Board at what the Deputy Auditor referred to as the State University of Minnesota.

Chase went directly to Dean Nicholson to request that he provide him with detailed information. Dean Nicholson, as usual, obliged him with the information.

CreatorRay P. ChaseSourceMinnesota Historical Society, RP Chase, Box 41, Folder April-June, 1937Date12/04/1937RightsCourtesy of Minnesota Historical SocietyCoverageUniversity of MinnesotaTime Period1930s