Editorial: “Keep Your Hands Off, Council”

This 1937 Minnesota Daily editorial criticizes the decision of the Minneapolis City Council to recommend to the Board of Regents to dismiss Dean Edward E. Nicholson for interfering with the Hennepin County Grand Jury by holding a dinner for its new members, as well as his involvement in governmental affairs of the community generally. Nicholson’s private political pursuits should not disqualify him as an educator or as an administrator of student affairs, this editorial argues, nor should “special interests” exert any undue influence over the University. Yet, this editorial does not mention Nicholson’s policies of on-campus political surveillance and discrimination as a source for concern.

CreatorMinnesota DailySourceEditorial: “Keep Your Hands Off, Council,” Minnesota Daily, January 9, 1937, p. 2.Date09/01/1937RightsImage is available courtesy the University of Minnesota Archives. For additional information about the use or re-use of this image please contact the University of Minnesota Archives at www.lib.umn.edu/uarchives.CoverageUniversity of MinnesotaTime Period1930s